Other name: sin THE MOVIE
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New Episodes: Ep 1
Status: Completed
Total Episodes: 1
Last update: 1 second ago
Views: 21
In the 21st century, the city of Freeport teeters on the verge of collapse. The twin tides of rampant crime and ruinous graft face but a single barrier, an elite strike-force labeled HARDCORPS. Lead by Colonel John Blade, they have become a fierce fighting force for justice in Freeport. Now, Blade must unravel a series of mysterious kidnappings. An elaborate puzzle unfolds as he delves into the decadence of the city, and at its heart isElexis Sinclaire. Brilliant biochemist, unscrupulous businesswoman, and merciless vixen, Elexis will stop at nothing to achieve her monstrous goal: to bring about the evolution of mankind!
#Episode 2
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